:: Manyatta Kenya 2005

In April 2005, I went to Manyatta, Kenya, with a friend to document a small church and some of the 47 orphans they provide care for.

This turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

The beauty and warmth of these people filled me with joy and produced some of the most powerful images of my career.


:: Images

:: Music

Music is a very big part of the Kenyans' lives. Even though they do not have electricity in their homes, they do have radios powered by automobile batteries. Everywhere we went, you could hear music or news broadcasts in the background.

Click on the Music button on the left to open a player in a separate window. I have included the album "Agape" by Kilimanjaro Revival. This is a more traditional Christian group. You can listen to the songs as you read more about these beautiful people.

:: The Process

During the two weeks spent in Kenya, I photographed over 3 hours of MiniDV video and almost 800 still images. The people took us into their home shown in the picture above (they had no electricity, only openings in the walls for light, dirt floors, charcoal-cooking pits in the floor) yet when we arrived they gestured towards their house and said with pride "Do YOU have anything like this in America?"

While my friend attended to church business, I was busily being entertained by several of the family members. I told them what I wanted to see and photograph. Soon they got the spirit and started taking me on secret trips to places unknown to me. These unplanned side trips added much depth to my work.

:: Your Missions Project

God has directed me to produce this sort of documentary for any one organization desiring to see their missionary efforts put on film in a way that can be used to promote the cause and to assist them in their fundraising projects.

I would be happy to work with you so that I may continue to fulfill the directive given to me by God.

Web site contents and all images are © Copyright Jim Gregg Photography 2006, All rights reserved.